GALLERY: The Porch Geese of Wyoming

By Raquel Bevington, Contributor

If you live in Wyoming, you’ve probably seen the new phenomenon of the front porch goose popping up everywhere. If you’re not from the Midwest, like me, then you might not know the history, what it means, or how it started in our cozy little community. I had to run a quick google search to find out more information since I was clueless on these cement lawn ornaments. I couldn’t find anything with hard specific facts but what I found was enough for me to want it like the masses wanted the Tickle Me Elmo doll in the 90’s. What prompted me to even begin this search that had now become my newfound hobby?

It was Lindsey….

Lindsey Holm took a gander and started a porch goose trend in Wyoming!

Wyoming resident, Lindsey Holm was looking for a porch goose that nostalgically reminded her of her happy childhood with her Great-Grandmother, Grandmother, and her Mother. She remembers her Great-Grandmother Edith’s house in New Lexington, Ohio with the goose always dressed up and thinking it was super cool.  She has so many fond memories of all three matriarchs in her life exchanging outfits, the excitement of seeing all the handmade outfits at craft shows, and just the silly tackiness of it all. It’s just pure fun and a bit silly nostalgia wrapped in one. As Lindsey was approaching the big 4-0, all those cheesy childhood memories were making her miss her Great-Grandma Edith and her Granny, both of whom have since passed away. Her emotions prompted her to begin her search.

On April 11, 2023, she made a request on Wyoming Parent & Friends Facebook page and boy did it start a frenzy. She wanted to know if anyone had a goose that needed a new home or if anyone knew where to get one. Who knew so many Wyoming residents would be captivated by this request – and would request geese of their own – myself included?! Lindsey was able to find 12 geese to be shared among the first responders. Thus began the Wyoming Porch Goose Gaggle. 

When asked how she felt about starting this trend she stated, “It’s amazing how everyone’s into it and decking out their geese. It’s like we’ve all found this quirky little thing that brings us together, no matter if they live in a little Cape Cod, a mid-century ranch, or a huge Victorian mansion. The porch goose is the great equalizer among us all. If I unintentionally brought Wyoming down closer to my midwestern rural roots, well, so be it.”  I firmly believe she has brought a lot of joy to Wyoming.  I often see families enjoying their walks and little ones pointing out a goose as if on a treasure hunt.

After the first 12 were brought into Wyoming, many more residents were interested in the porch goose. So many in fact, that Dawn Moseley Salus and her husband Jason Salus jumped at the chance to assist our neighbors and were picking up seven geese each week for nearly six weeks. They would carefully deliver each goose to their new goose residences, like storks bringing new babies home for the first time. Others took up the charge when Dawn and Jason were unable to do so. This community was going to get all its geese delivered no matter what!! 

This Wyoming community now has upwards of 70+ geese and growing!  Dawn added, “I love how happy everyone gets about either dressing up their own geese, naming their geese, or just seeing our geese if they don’t have one of their own.  We are an all-inclusive goose community, if you don’t have a goose, but you have some other type of fixture that you like to dress up for the holidays just for fun, we welcome you into our Wyoming geese community with open wings!”

Of course, the unique and quirky names are just part of the fun. We have amongst our goose clan, Charlie Honker, Geese Witherspoon, Pamela Ganderson and my own, Ryan Gosling who is always beside his Behonkce. Once I purchased my first goose with the original 12, I couldn’t stop. I currently am the proud mother to three geese. My husband doesn’t mind my new obsession with dressing up my own flock for holidays or sporting events anymore. In fact, he has gotten into the spirit of things and has even made my geese a manger for the Christmas Nativity this past holiday season. My hope is that one day my kids, like our neighbor Lindsey Holm, will want to continue this fun tradition and will remember my geese and crazy outfits as fond memories.

If you would like to join our gaggle you can purchase a cement goose from Wyoming’s main supplier Brian Ihle. His business is located at 7310 State Route128, Cleves, Ohio, 513-646-9152. Or try these other locations: Aquatic & Garden Décor at 9390 Cincinnati-Columbus Road and Buckeye Trading Post at 11294 US Hwy 50 in North Bend, Ohio.

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